The Client and the Contractor Story #life #trending #fyp


There was a client who needed a certain job to be done. Curious about the cost, the client asked the contractor, "How much will it cost to do this job?"

The contractor pondered for a moment and replied, "1.5 million."

The client's eyes widened in surprise. "That's too expensive for this job!" they exclaimed.

The contractor inquired, "How much do you think it should cost?"

The client responded, "800k max! It's a simple job!"

Regrettably, the contractor said. "I'm sorry, but I can't do the job for so little," they explained.

Feeling frustrated, the client remarked, "People in your line of work just want to make a huge profit!"

The contractor, sensing the client's discontent, suggested, "Why don't you do the job yourself then?"

The client realizing their lack of expertise. "But, but, I don't know how to do any of that," they admitted.

The contractor proposed a solution. "For 300k, I can teach you everything you need to know to do the job. With an 800k budget, you'll still save 400k. Moreover, you'll gain valuable knowledge and experience for any future endeavors," they explained.

The client agreed, exclaiming, "Deal!"

The contractor began outlining the plan. "To start, you'll need to acquire some tools. A chipping hammer, a nail gun, a laser, a drill, a mixer machine, a grinder, PPE, and various other items," they listed.

The client dimmed as reality set in. "But, I don't have any of those tools, and I can't justify buying all of them for just one job!"

The contractor offered. "Alright, I can rent you my tools for an additional 150k. That way, you'll still save 250k," they suggested.

The client hesitated, considering the impact on their savings. Eventually, they agreed, saying, "That's cutting my savings, but I will rent your tools."

With the arrangements made, the contractor set the date. "Perfect! I'll be back on Saturday, and we can start," they confirmed.

A sudden realization struck the client and said "Wait! I can't do it on Saturday. I only have time today."

Regretfully, the contractor explained, "I'm sorry, but I only teach others on Saturdays. I have to prioritize my time, and my tools need to be used in other jobs during the week."

Reluctantly, the client conceded, "Alright then. I will sacrifice my family's plans on Saturday."

The contractor empathized, saying, "I understand; sacrifices have to be made. Oh, I forgot. If you’re going to do the job yourself, you need to buy the materials. There’s a high demand nowadays, so your best bet is to get a truck and be at the hardware store by 6am before other contractors get there.

The client's face turned pale as they processed the information. "At six in the morning? On a Saturday? That's too early for me. Besides, I don't even own a truck!"

The contractor replied, "I suppose you'll have to rent one then. By the way, do you have helpers to help you load the truck?"

The client replied "You know what? I’ve been thinking. Probably it's better for you to do the job. It’s better to pay you to do the job right and not having to go through all that hassle."

The contractor responded, "Good thinking. Sign here, and let me get to work."

Moral of the Story

This is the truth. 

People are not just paying for a job, they are paying for knowledge, experience, tools, time, family sacrifices, and other things you bring to the table. They pay for their Convenience.

Don’t let others dictate your worth.


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