Happy Fiesta Minglanilla in Honor of Immaculate Heart of Mary.- August 22


Happy Fiesta Minglanilla!

Today, the progressive town of Minglanilla celebrates its annual fiesta in honor of Immaculate Heart of Mary. Happy Fiesta to all devotees of the beloved Mama Mary and to all Minglanillahanons.

Minglanilla, a municipality in the province of Cebu, Philippines, celebrates its annual fiesta in honor of the Immaculate Heart of Mary on August 22. The fiesta is a time for the people of Minglanilla to come together and celebrate their faith, culture, and community.

The festivities begin with a grand procession of the image of the Immaculate Heart of Mary through the streets of Minglanilla. The procession is followed by a Mass in the Archdiocesan Shrine of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the parish church of Minglanilla.

After the Mass, there are a variety of activities and events held throughout the day, including traditional dances, games, and food stalls. In the evening, there is a fireworks display and a concert.

The fiesta is a time for the people of Minglanilla to celebrate their rich heritage and culture. It is also a time for them to come together and strengthen their community ties.

Here are some of the things you can expect at the fiesta:

✅ Grand procession of the image of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
✅ Mass in the Archdiocesan Shrine of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
✅ Traditional dances, games, and food stalls
✅ Fireworks display
✅ Concert

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